For the people pleaser, perfectionist, overachiever ready to trade hustling to prove herself for more peace, confidence and calm
Because let’s be honest, all that caring what other people think, anxious attachment and living a life that looks good on paper but leaves you feeling “meh” gets really exhausting.
Your simple plan to stop living to please.
Whether you’re on day 1 or 1000 of your recovering “good girl” era, the no brainer place to start is my mini-course, “Debunking the Need to Please”.
Every day for the next 6 days, I’ll drop a juicy email in your inbox with some of my biggest aha’s, some of the practices that have helped me and the important reminders, specifically for the overachiever type, to help you really understand what it’s going to take to tackle that people pleasing and stop caring so much what other people think. The best part, it’s totally free.

Looking for something specific?
Let’s just say I have a lot of thoughts about the mindset, habits and tools that help former people pleasers and perfectionists fast track to a more confident, secure, fulfilled version of themselves. You can check them all out below or let me help you find what you’re looking for…
Recent Posts
This might be what's making it harder to be confident!
We are all constantly in cycles of growing and dying. If you want to get really philosophical about it, every day we live is both a day of growth (if you're measuring from your birth) and death (if you're measuring from your death.
Read this if you’re scared of rejection
We are all constantly in cycles of growing and dying. If you want to get really philosophical about it, every day we live is both a day of growth (if you're measuring from your birth) and death (if you're measuring from your death.
The most effective habit for feeling happier and more successful
There is one tip that you hear over and over again and I know how easy it is to roll your eyes at how obvious it is.
My biggest reflections from finally taking a week off
Some in-depth, honest reflections as I ease back into business as usual after taking a week.
Why you should listen to your body
I always advise my clients when they're feeling an emotion, to ask themselves: “What is this emotion trying to tell you?”
You have already been admitted to the club of “good enough.”
This was something that had been explained to me over and over again but now I was living it in real life. It was my freshman year at Yale University. We were all living in buildings that looked like castles, navigating living away from home for the first time, looking around eagerly at the people who people had said may be “friends you'll have for the rest of your lives.” And all around us hung a question: What made each of us good enough to be accepted here?
I think it’s time I got personal
24 hours before this photo was taken, I was sobbing in a movie theater. Yeah, it wasn’t cute.
Why you should quit being so hard on yourself
There is no end goal here, darling. We're never done. I know you know this but I catch myself in this so often that I feel like you need a reminder too.
The three steps to get whatever you want in life
When it comes down to it, 95% of getting what you want in life comes down to three things:
Action, Awareness, and Letting it Happen.
Does life always feel hard?
There is enormous value in us continuing to face moments of difficulty, over and over again in our lives. Having to deal with rude messages from a man on a dating app or disappointment about ghosting aren't just important because they're necessary steps toward what we're looking or (“you have to kiss a lot of frogs until you find your prince”).
Why you should learn to love uncertainty
The uncertainty, which can come with disappointments like ghosting or a “meh” date, is a sign that we're putting ourselves in a situation with the potential for upside. But if we charge our dating life with too much unknown (betting big to win big, looking for our person), it's like we're day trading - not likely to succeed in the long run!
Stop looking for dating shortcuts
A lot of content out there in the self-help, self-improvement space is oriented around making your life better. And there's a reason for this - we all want our lives to be better.
Wondering how to be sure about a decision?
Many times in conversations with clients, I will hear, “But how am I supposed to be sure that he's right for me?” This is usually in reference to a guy that they've gone on a few dates with and things are starting to look like they're moving in a good direction.
3 things you probably need to hear
If there's one thing I've learned since becoming a coach - what themes I start to notice in my clients or even in the comments I get on my most recent TikTok always seem to the things that everybody (and especially I) need to hear myself.
Fault vs. Responsibility
When something bad happens - you get ghosted, dumped, fired, rejected, ignored, forgotten - the feelings are painful. It's normal to reckon with, “how did this happen? why did this happen?” and then the follow up I hear most from clients or in the comments of videos on TikToks (whether explicitly or more subtly): “what did I do to cause this?” or in other words, “is this my fault?”
Why you’re more anxious when you like them
The first date went well. You think you might be able to see something with this guy. And then in advance of the second date, you realize your mind is spinning.
This is making life harder
I know you have something in your life that you're suppressing right now. Whether it's anger, guilt, fatigue, sadness. There's something in your life, a feeling that when you start to feel that wave hit you, you immediately go to work pushing it away.
What if it’s not about learning something new?
When did you learn that you can't be yourself? When did you learn that asking for consistent effort from someone your dating is “too much”? When did you learn that things don't work out for you? Or that the only way to get wealthy is by marrying rich? Or if it's easy to get, it's not worth having?
This is some of what I’m proudest of
I saw all of these clients make a decision that was subtle but deeply important. They chose to believe that their view, their desires, their needs were valid. Even when in the face of fear or judgement or potential rejection, they each looked in the face of some amount of fear or downside and said: “because I want it is reason enough" and by doing so, saying “I am enough.”
What fears tell you about yourself
Are you in an early dating scenario and want to get closer to him/her/them? Are you feeling stuck in your job and feel like there's something more out there for you but you can't get yourself to apply for new things? Are you swiping on the apps and disappointed with what you're seeing?
A game changer for finally releasing those stubborn limiting beliefs
You know what your patterns are, you know what the fears are but how do you actually go about shifting those subconscious beliefs that dictate how we act when we’re triggered or emotional?! Turns out, it’s not about understanding as much as it’s releasing emotions from when you picked them up in the first place. There’s so many tools out there that claim to do this, but honestly, this is the one I keep coming back to. It doesn’t hurt that it can fit in pretty much anybody’s budget. (Plus the code SAMANTHA gets you an extra 15% off!)

“Samantha was instrumental in helping me change my thoughts about myself and my self-worth. These are techniques that I'll be using for a long, long time!”
Let’s hang out!
I share advice, hot takes and intrusive thoughts on…