
Where people pleasers, overachievers, perfectionists, burnt out girlbosses and exhausted approval seekers come to finally relax.

This is the start of…

Your recovering “good girl" era.

Your peace > performance era.

Your “doing it for me” era.

Your “enough” era.



You’ve been drinking a very potent cocktail that makes it really hard to see straight.

Ingredients include…

Being raised by a generation that (by no fault of their own) didn’t know as much as we do now about the subconscious, emotional health and self-worth.

The normal yet still painful moments of awkwardness, embarrassment and insecurity that come with growing up.

Social conditioning from a society that benefits from a bunch of women putting others first at the cost of their own happiness and health.

Productivity and hustle culture convincing you that your value comes from your output, not how you feel while you’re actually living.


I realized this and have spent the last 5 years sobering up (Metaphorically. Your girl still loves wine.) and unlearning all that people pleasing, anxious attachment, perfectionism, hustle culture, overthinking, negative self talk - you get the picture.

Your simple plan to stop living to please.

Whether you’re on day 1 or 1000 of your recovering “good girl” era, the no brainer place to start is my mini-course, “Debunking the Need to Please”.

Every day for the next 6 days, I’ll drop a juicy email in your inbox with some of my biggest aha’s, some of the practices that have helped me and the important reminders, specifically for the overachiever type, to help you really understand what it’s going to take to tackle that people pleasing and stop caring so much what other people think. The best part, it’s totally free.



How can I feel more valued in my dating life?

Get the course now.

How do I actually start to feel good enough?

Find out when this resource is available!

Our biggest blindspot is often ourselves. I know it may be hard to identify what stage you’re really in but the good news is at this point, I’ve talked to hundreds of women at various stages of trying to build confidence, raise their self-worth, improve their dating life, money mindset, discipline and more, so I’m pretty good at spotting the patterns.

If you’re not sure what’s getting in your way or don’t feel like you know what type of tools would be best for you, check out the quiz below (I am from the Buzzfeed generation so….) and I’ll make a recommendation on which of my resources might be the best fit for you right now.


Let me help.

Just want a taste?

Check out some freebies that will give you a sense of my approach!

Looking for more personalized support?

Let’s be honest, you don’t need me to tell you how to fix anything. When we’re tackling people pleasing, overachieving, etc., the biggest issue is your belief that other people’s opinion matters more than your own. The same thing applies in the journey to heal these patterns - you have to learn to trust yourself (including cultivating your ability to do the hard thing even when it scares you).

That said, I remember how overwhelming it felt to start. While I no longer offer 1:1 sessions, if you’re really focused on that type of support, I’m happy to refer you to other trusted coaches in the space who could support you. DM me on Instagram and we can talk more about what you’re looking for.


I am not a guru.

(But don’t worry, you don’t need one.)

I am a girl who spent her teens and twenties chasing the the checkboxes. Get into a great school? Check. Get an impressive job? Check. Be social so you can meet new people? Check. Get promoted so you have something to tell people when you’re at cocktail parties? Check. Figure out how to read people so you can fit in? Check.

I’m also a girl who was approaching (and is now in) her thirties and realized none of it was actually making her feel the way she wanted to. I was still struggling with not feeling fulfilled, with accepting shitty behavior in my dating life and with avoiding hard conversations because I was too afraid of being rejected.

So I made it my mission over the last five years to address these patterns and figure out what it really takes to feel “good enough” and legitimately like my life and myself.

It’s an ongoing journey but I’m here to share what I’ve learned.

Want more? Free resources for you!