For the people pleaser, perfectionist, overachiever ready to trade hustling to prove herself for more peace, confidence and calm

Because let’s be honest, all that caring what other people think, anxious attachment and living a life that looks good on paper but leaves you feeling “meh” gets really exhausting.

Your simple plan to stop living to please.

Whether you’re on day 1 or 1000 of your recovering “good girl” era, the no brainer place to start is my mini-course, “Debunking the Need to Please”.

Every day for the next 6 days, I’ll drop a juicy email in your inbox with some of my biggest aha’s, some of the practices that have helped me and the important reminders, specifically for the overachiever type, to help you really understand what it’s going to take to tackle that people pleasing and stop caring so much what other people think. The best part, it’s totally free.


Looking for something specific?

Let’s just say I have a lot of thoughts about the mindset, habits and tools that help former people pleasers and perfectionists fast track to a more confident, secure, fulfilled version of themselves. You can check them all out below or let me help you find what you’re looking for…

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Are you waiting for this?

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Dating, Mindset, Confidence Samantha Pillsbury Dating, Mindset, Confidence Samantha Pillsbury

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Want to stop being so hard on yourself?

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The London Guide

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The Rome Guide

Rome has figured out the whole building a life around eating and relaxing. Dolce far niete as TikTok has taught me! It’s truly a magical historic place!

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A game changer for finally releasing those stubborn limiting beliefs

You know what your patterns are, you know what the fears are but how do you actually go about shifting those subconscious beliefs that dictate how we act when we’re triggered or emotional?! Turns out, it’s not about understanding as much as it’s releasing emotions from when you picked them up in the first place. There’s so many tools out there that claim to do this, but honestly, this is the one I keep coming back to. It doesn’t hurt that it can fit in pretty much anybody’s budget. (Plus the code SAMANTHA gets you an extra 15% off!)


“Samantha was instrumental in helping me change my thoughts about myself and my self-worth. These are techniques that I'll be using for a long, long time!”

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