big sister
I’m Samantha and as a fellow recovering “good girl,” I’ve spent the last 5 years working to put “former” in front of identities like people pleaser, overachiever, anxiously attached and perfectionist.
I’m sharing my journey and sharing the resources, tools and insights that helped me care less what other people think and get over the fear to build a life that feels good for me, so you can do the same.
It’s can be a little scary, but I think that learning how to get off the endless treadmill of trying to feel “enough” will always be worth it.
If you’re anything like me, you were always…
The get-the-A girl (so you’d get into college).
Do-the-chores girl (so you got the compliments from your parents’ friends).
Read-the-room girl (so you never said anything that would make a friend mad).
The do-it-all girl (so you’d get your boss’ approval).
Same, girl, same.

4 years ago, I looked around and my life was just okay.
4 back-to-back situationships (and trust me I was really trying not to be!)
In a corporate job that loved me but felt unfulfilling and full of corporate politics
Limited travel because of PTO and my budget
Often feeling resentful towards friends and family because I was doing so much and not getting enough back
Feeling meh about my body even though I knew I was nitpicking
Completely conflict avoidant (and getting taken advantage of as a result)
Month over month, it hit me that I’d been putting other people’s opinions before my own for the last 20 years. And all that pleasing was just me hoping that somebody else’s approval would make me feel good enough, when in fact I needed to feel that way on my own.
I dove head first into “the work.” I learned how to stop living to please. I started being brave instead.

I started speaking up when I wasn’t getting what I needed from inconsistent guys and started diving deep into the abandonment wounds and anxious attachment that were compelling me to act in ways I wasn’t proud of.
I admitted to myself and eventually my boss that I had always dreamed of entrepreneurship and put in my two weeks. And then a few years later, shut down that business because it was making me miserable and started exploring what it would look like to be multi-passionate (not just having one career, but balancing a few projects at once).
I stopped accepting breadcrumbs from friends who always seemed to text with a favor and then disappear when things got busy and started admitting when I needed support, even when I was scared of being a burden.
I booked a solo trip (and then another and another). And then I finally admitted it was time to leave New York and committed to a year of digital nomad life to find my next home base.
I started facing the fears and feelings that came up when somebody ghosted me, asked me to compromise or didn’t like when I had boundaries and standards. And learned how to support myself when big feelings came up as a result.
I’ve doing so much better at loving myself while I’m still figuring it all out.
Professionally, I stopped trying to fit myself into a box and embraced being a content creator and working with small businesses with their social media and dabbling in real estate investing and working on a super secret project I’ll tell you about sometime soon.
Personally, I’ve healed a lot of the anxious attachment, overthinking, burnout and codependency which has led to deeper friendships, better dates and more connection. I still get triggered and I’m still learning but the progress is real, y’all.
Most importantly, I started giving myself permission to not have it all together and still see that I have a whole heck of a lot to offer even if I don’t have all the answers. You know big sister energy, I can barely hold in my advice if I tried ;)

A few fun facts about me
I love solo trips.
One of my favorites was 4 days in Rome and I almost didn't leave. Coffee, pasta, wine and gelato, oh my. (I love them so much I’ve actually made it my life - I’m traveling full time to explore and find the next city I might want to call home. My favorite travel recommendations are here.)
I have 5 younger siblings.
This may have played a role in my obsession with being "responsible" and certainly led to all this big sister energy but thankfully I've stopped putting so much pressure on myself to be perfect for them anymore.
I have strong opinions about the best burger in NYC.
And I love that my job allows me to take myself out to test new ones in the middle of the week.
I was a Yale cheerleader.
For one year (I had never cheered a day in my life). I wasn't very good at it but I had a blast and in retrospect, I love that younger Sam had the courage to try something new, knowing most people in my life didn't get it.
quick pause for self promotion
(because it’s not cringy to advocate for yourself, y’all!)
Interested in a content partnership, have a relevant media opportunity or want to see my media kit? I work with select brands and outlets (only on things I’d 100% recommend to my little sisters IRL). reach out to my team via email to discuss.
I’ve developed social strategy for companies ranging from UnderArmour, BMW, and consulting firms to seed stage startups and solopreneurs. Interested in learning more about how helped one client double website traffic from social in 60 days and another double engagement YoY? Shoot me a note via email.

You can consider me your internet big sis, Samantha.
People pleasing is my arch nemesis. Along my own journey to overcome my own people pleasing, anxious attachment and overachieving tendencies, I realized how many other women, like I was, were living “good enough” lives because they were too scared to take risks, ask for what they want and pursue those big dreams. Or they just didn’t know how to start!
As an oldest sister, it’s literally not in my genes to sit by and not share the stuff that has helped me. So I am so here to help you, fellow eldest daughter (or just generally “good girl”), overachiever, perfectionist, overthinker to put a “former” in front of all those terms so you can cultivate more confidence, achieve big things and actually enjoy their lives, without the hustle culture, never feeling like you’ve “good enough” vibes.
Excuse my french but f*ck that.
Want somewhere to start?
Whether you’re on day 1 or 1000 of your recovering “good girl” era, the no brainer place to start is my mini-course, “Debunking the Need to Please”.
Every day for the next 5 days, I’ll drop a juicy email in your inbox with some of my biggest aha’s, some of the practices that have helped me and the important reminders, specifically for the overachiever type, to help you really understand what it’s going to take to tackle that people pleasing and stop caring so much what other people think. The best part, it’s totally free.
Let’s hang out!
I share advice, hot takes and intrusive thoughts on…