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Why you should listen to your body

I took a breakkkkk!

I always advise my clients when they're feeling an emotion, to ask themselves: “What is this emotion trying to tell you?” In world, emotions are smoke alarms and they're always pointing us in the direction of a fire (something deeper, usually connected to one of our long-standing patterns). 

For me, over a few weeks in March, about 70% of the time I'd be feeling an emotion and I asked myself this question, the answer came back as some version of: “Slow down.” “Rest.” “You're being too hard on yourself.

 And y'all I resisted. I had products I'm prepping to launch, private clients I love working with (shoutout!), and real talk as a solo business owner, when I don't work there's a very real fear of “Where will the money come from?

But in the years (yes, years!) that led up to the big turning point in my life (when I left my corporate career, started healing my anxious attachment and codependency, shifted my lifestyle to more align with my values and more, all within a 6 month period), I remember a feeling. That feeling I now know to be misalignment or dissatisfaction. My body signaling to me: “This isn't right. There's better out there.

That feeling, in my opinion, is the “fire” so to speak that my emotions and my body have been trying to get me to pay attention to. So this week, I have the posts prepped and the logistics delegated so I can slow down and listen. Do what my body and intuition wants me to do. It may be sitting on the couch with takeout. Drawing. Crying for hours. I can't tell you what it'll look like (but I'll report back next week)!

But this is your reminder - when your body tries to talk to you, it's your job to listen.

And cultivating this skill (telling the difference between that deeper desire and the knee jerk urges) is one of the most powerful tools to get you on the path toward a life that has you pinching yourself going “I'm so friggin' lucky.”