your recovering 
“good girl”

I’m Samantha and as a fellow recovering “good girl,” I’ve spent the last 5 years working to put “former” in front of identities like people pleaser, overachiever, anxiously attached and perfectionist.

I’m sharing my journey and sharing the resources, tools and insights that helped me care less what other people think and get over the fear to build a life that feels good for me, so you can do the same.

It’s can be a little scary, but I think that learning how to get off the endless treadmill of trying to feel “enough” will always be worth it.


You’re making it harder than it has to be, with the chasing, proving and hustling.

Consider me your internet big sister and mentor. As someone who’s been there, it feels so much better when you don’t feel like you have to control everything, make everybody happy and prove that you’re good enough. So girl, come take a load off.

 How I can help you feel confident and worthy


Get all inspiration and resources from the blog + newsletter + IG

At the beginning of your self-development journey? Need some motivation around what’s possible? I’m constantly sharing the behind the scenes, real time insights to give you the shortcuts. Follow along!


Start tackling your need to please with my free email course

Five jam packed emails with some of the most important things you need to understand to start tackling your people pleasing. You’ll finish the course armed to the teeth with things to try. Start today!


Invest in your healing and growth with masterclasses & courses

On topics ranging from people pleasing, why we struggle to stick with things and how to feel more valued in your dating life, these are jam-packed with valuable insight. Explore which one's right for you!

Doctors won’t make you healthy.
Nutritionists won’t make you slim.
Teachers won’t make you smart.
Gurus won’t make you calm.
Mentors won’t make you rich.
Trainers won’t make you fit.

Ultimately, you have to take responsibility. Save yourself.


Here’s what others are saying…

  • "Before I started coaching, I didn’t know what to expect and honestly I didn’t expect much. I had been to therapy before and tried figuring out solutions to some of my questions for a long time, but never could..so why would a coach be able to help? After working with Sam for not even half our time together, I have learned so much. Sam has transformed the way I think about and make decisions, well beyond just my dating life" - Woman, 24

  • “Signing up for coaching with Sam was one of the best investments I've made in my mental health in recent years. I've worked with a handful of therapists throughout my twenties and I noticed the biggest tangible differences from working with Sam. Through this experience, I grew my self confidence, developed an understanding of my limiting beliefs, and learned to better cope with difficult emotions like sadness and jealousy. I especially appreciated Sam's warm, creative, and direct approach and her incredibly insightful questions, both in session and in the homework prompts. She created a space for reflection where I had a mindblowing revelation every single week. I'd recommend coaching with Sam to any person experiencing feelings of self-doubt in any area of life, dating, work, or otherwise!” - Woman, 28

  • "I found coaching with Sam to be hugely beneficial. I appreciated the focused approach: Sam helped me address very specific issues in my personal and work life by tracing them to the source—whether it was patterns from growing up or raw feelings that I hadn't faced. Sam very patiently and articulately helps me find my way though these memories and feelings, and was the support I needed to start rewriting the thought patterns that weren't serving me." - Woman, 29


What if you never find someone? What if doing the type of work that feels deeply fulfilling isn’t possible for you? What if you’re being unrealistic to think that you could one day afford a life that feels like actual luxury (I mean, the economy and inflation and all those other things they say)?

My friend, I can tell you right now, that your love story, your Pinterest-worthy #dreamlife, and financial freedom are all absolutely possible for you. But the more time you spend spinning on those fears we just talked about, the harder you’re making it to get them.

You’re scared that “okay” is the best you can expect.

Free 6-Day Email Course to Start Healing your Need to Please

As long as you’re still trying to contort yourself into the version that will please everyone, it’s impossible to feel “good enough.” Which is why I collected my greatest hits on the topic of people pleasing to give you a jumpstart to kicking this addiction to the approval of others.


The overthinking, trying to prove yourself, worrying what other people think, and giving more than you get ends here.

If you feel like you’ve spent your entire life chasing goal posts that keep moving and looking around other women immediately spotting the thing they have that you don’t, the truth is there is only one person in this world who can convince you that you are good enough…

You. (But don’t worry, I’m here to show you how.)

Want more? Free resources for you!



I’m your confidence big sis, Samantha.

People pleasing is my arch nemesis. Along my own journey to overcome my own people pleasing, anxious attachment and overachieving tendencies, I realized how many other women, like I was, were living “good enough” lives because they’re too scared to ruffle feathers.

And as an oldest sister, I couldn’t sit by and not share the stuff that has helped me. So now it’s my mission to help other women like me to cultivate confidence, achieve big things and customize their lives, all without the hustle culture rhetoric. Peace > Performance, every f*cking day.


Life gets really interesting.

Since early ‘24, I started traveling full time, a dream I had been ignoring underneath the weight of everybody else’s expectations. Partially searching for the next city I want to call home and partially checking off some of my biggest travel bucket lists, I never would’ve taken this risk if it weren’t for this work.

You hear a lot about this journey, as it relates to confidence and mindset, but to avoid confusion (darn those algorithms!), I collect my travel-specific goodies separately.