Especially big sisters!




(That’s me!)

Being an eldest daughter basically describes my personality but I was tired of the overachieving, overthinking, people pleasing, caring too much what other people thought, and never feeling like enough…

So in classic overachiever/eldest daughter fashion, I went down the rabbit hole of personal development to try to find a way to get the happiness, success and love that I’d dreamed about.

What started as a personal journey turned into a confidence coaching business which led to an existential crisis when that work was making me miserable. Which bring us to now…

I’ve stopped pretending to have all the answers (when on the inside I was a work-in-progress like everybody else) and started to just figure it all out step-by-step (even if it’s now kinda hard to explain what I do for work to boomers at cocktail parties).

I share what I’m learning (present tense) about life, dating, confidence, negotiating job offers, navigating adult friendships, solo traveling, living in New York (and leaving) and all the things that I don’t yet have figured out but am working through in real time.

I’m not a guru, I’m no longer a coach, I’m just here to be an internet big sister to the girls who may not have one themselves.

I’m in my multi-passionate, figuring it out, digital nomad, content creator era.

Let’s hang out!

I share advice, hot takes and intrusive thoughts on…





Want more? Free resources for you!

Need some big sister advice?

Drop your question or the situation you want advice on at the link below and I’ll pick 1-2 to answer in my monthly email!

(I wish I had enough hours in the day to answer everybody but my social battery and inbox couldn’t handle it, so if yours isn’t chosen, make sure you’re also following along on social because I try to cover common topics more generally in videos so I can help as many of you as I can.)